St John's Church Pilling
We ring the bells at St. Johns each Sunday between 10 a.m. and 10.30 .a.m. and are looking
to recruit some new members to join our team. If you feel you can fulfil the strict
qualifications listed below and would like to give it a try, just turn up at ten o’clock on any
Sunday morning at ten o’clock and give it a go or just watch. You would be very welcome.
Qualifications: Attendance most Sunday mornings between 10 and 10.30.
Be fit enough to comfortably climb 46 steps.
Be able to count to 6.

St John The Baptist Church Pilling
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Contact Us
Application Forms for Baptism, Banns of Marriage, etc. can be obtained from The Vicarage. Please phone to make an appointment or see the contact page under the ‘About us’ menu.