Holy Baptism
Thinking of having your Baby Baptised?
Celebrate the joyful gift of a child with a Baptism at your local Church of England Parish Church.
An individual service specifically geared to your family.
A Baptism is a joyous event, the sign and seal of a new life in Christ. It is also the way of entering into the life of the Church. Many bring children to S. John’s for Baptism and Fr. Peter is always happy to discuss the significance and importance of Christian Baptism. Whatever practical questions may arise in planning your child’s Baptism and the responsibilities of bringing up children in the Christian Faith. We have a policy of personally visiting all families of children who are to be baptised and doing our best to welcome them into the Church’s life.
People who live within the boundaries of the Parish, or who are on the Electoral Roll, and can with integrity make the affirmations required in Baptism, may have their children Baptised at S. John’s. Baptisms are normally celebrated at 12:30 pm on Sundays.